Data Area

Transform business information into a strategic knowledge base for marketing, sales, and customer service.

In our Data Area, we offer data mining services that transform business information into a valuable knowledge base for strategic decisions and business opportunities. We use advanced tools for importing geographic coordinates, measuring distance from branches and competitors, indicating customers in the branch catchment area, and analyzing relational tables. Socio-demographic data and potential indices provide you with in-depth information to guide business strategies and discover new success opportunities.

Our services include:

Maximize your territorial presence with our localization, analysis, and geographic optimization services. Maximize your coverage, identify growth opportunities, and strategically position your activity for market success.

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Geographic Coordinates Import

Import and manage geographic coordinates to obtain a precise and accurate visualization of territorial information.

Distance Measurement and Distance Class

Calculate the distance in meters from the used branch and classify the different distances for a better understanding of spatial relationships.

Analysis of Distance from Major Competitors

Evaluate the distance from major competitors, including large banks, BCCs, and Post Offices, to understand the competitive context in the reference territory.

Customer Indication in the Branch Catchment

Identify and analyze customers residing in the branch's catchment to better understand the reference market and customize marketing strategies.

Analysis of Relational Tables and Potential Indices

Use relational tables to delve into territories linked to the customer's address, enriched with socio-demographic data and potential indices weighted on different aggregates. This information will provide you with a detailed view to make strategic decisions based on reliable data.


Our solutions


The management of the marketing database includes research, acquisition, and reprocessing of data according to criteria of homogeneity, interrelation, and comparability. We import geographic coordinates, calculate distances from the branch and major competitors. We indicate customers in the used branch catchment and use census codes. Relational tables offer socio-demographic data and potential indices. Additionally, we offer customer geocoding, origin sheets, distance, positioning, and catchment. We analyze the portfolio composition, amount thresholds, owned products, territorial control, and market shares in catchment areas. We enhance business information with data mining, turning it into a knowledge base for marketing, sales, and customer service, promptly signaling market changes.

Domande frequenti

We offer services for the importation of geographic coordinates, measurement of distance and distance class, analysis of the distance from major competitors, indication of customers in the branch catchment, and analysis of relational tables and potential indices.

Socio-demographic data and potential indices are integrated into relational tables, providing a detailed view of the territories connected to the customer’s address. This information helps to make strategic decisions based on reliable data.

The Abicab Report service synthesizes the economic dynamics of banked squares, offering an overview of economic trends, identifying the most attractive squares for branches, and business potentials in sectors. It displays segments, products, and resident profiles with customized maps.

A geomarketing-based approach in managing the distribution network offers numerous benefits. It allows making strategic decisions based on precise and relevant territorial information. You can optimize the distribution of agents, maximize territorial coverage, and identify new business opportunities. Moreover, it helps to improve operational efficiency, optimize routes, and reduce transportation costs.

Our Abicab Report service provides reports on the economic-business trends of the most dynamic squares, business potentials in different compartments and sectors, business opportunities quarter by quarter, and opportunities for product-segment and resident profiles around each counter.

Our services provide in-depth information that allows for making strategic decisions based on reliable data. They help to identify emerging business opportunities, understand the competitive context, customize marketing strategies, and strategically position the activity for market success.

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